Implementation of School Improvement Plan through Results Based Management: A Framework to Practice


  • Muhammad Nadeem Javed PhD Scholar, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Hameed Nawaz Professor, Department of Education, University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Latif Javed Lecturer, Department of Education, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar Campus, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Javed Assistant Professor, Department of Education, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan



School Improvement Plan, Result Base Management, Roadmap


A school improvement plan is a “road map” that sets out the changes a school needs to make to improve the level of student achievement, and shows how and when these changes will be made. The objectives of the study were remained as, to identify the practices of Results Based Management (RBM) in relation with the implementation of School Improvement Plan (SIP) on the basis of performance, to explore the perceptions of the heads of schools and Secondary School Teachers (SSTs) about implementation of School Improvement Plan (SIP), to analyze the physical and educational facilitates in school improvement plan. A set of research questions was used to achieve the objectives of the study. The collected data was analyzed by using inferential and deferential techniques of data analysis. The findings and conclusions of the study show that School Improvement Plan is being carried out at secondary schools of Punjab through Result Base Management. It is also revealed that the whole process of school management is revolving around school improvement plan; administration has less training about result base management. Some recommendations are given to synchronize the process to achieve desired objectives of school improvement Plan.  


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How to Cite

Muhammad Nadeem Javed, Muhammad Hameed Nawaz, Muhammad Latif Javed, & Muhammad Javed. (2020). Implementation of School Improvement Plan through Results Based Management: A Framework to Practice. Review of Economics and Development Studies, 5(1), 23-32.