Unlocking the Power of Green HRM: Exploring its Impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior - An Empirical Investigation
GHRM Practices, Sustainability-Oriented Behavior, Ability, Motivation and Opportunity (AMO) Theory, Sustainable Development, Emerging EconomyAbstract
This paper addresses a significant research gap by focusing on the impact of green Human Resource Management (HRM) practices on employees' organizational citizenship behavior in the context of the health industry, particularly within an emerging economy like Pakistan. Despite the increasing recognition of the importance of environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility, there has been a notable dearth of research in this specific domain, especially in regions like Pakistan, which are often overlooked in the existing literature. To bridge this gap, our study employs the well-established Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity (AMO) framework as the theoretical foundation. We aim to investigate both the direct and interactive effects of green HRM practices, including reward systems, training initiatives, employee involvement, and performance management, on employees' organizational citizenship behavior for the environment. To substantiate our hypotheses and gain insights into their managerial implications, we conducted an empirical study employing a comprehensive questionnaire survey methodology. Through rigorous analysis, we utilized a regression model as an econometric technique to validate our research framework. The findings of our study are illuminating. We provide robust evidence of the direct and interactive impacts of these four key GHRM practices on employees' organizational citizenship behavior with a particular focus on their environmental engagement. Notably, our results highlight that green training emerges as a pivotal instrument in fostering employees' voluntary environmental actions. The practical implications of our research are noteworthy. By showcasing the effectiveness of GHRM practices in shaping employees' voluntary behavior, our study offers valuable insights for the development of future policies and practices in organizations. Moreover, our research underscores the broader societal relevance of GHRM practices in contributing to sustainable development, emphasizing their role in influencing employees' organizational citizenship behavior for the environment.
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