Role of Job Designs in Determining Employees’ Work Motivation in Banking Sector of Multan City, Pakistan
Employee, Work Motivation; Job Designs, Job Characteristics, Job Enrichment, Job Rotation, Quality of Work LifeAbstract
This article presents theoretical and empirical underpinnings between job designs and employees’ work motivation in banking sector of Multan city, Pakistan. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey research design in which 362 employees participated through simple random sampling technique. The findings of the study revealed that female employees are more motivated towards their jobs than male employees. Moreover, job characteristics and job rotation are high among senior bank employees having experience greater than 12 years. The study concluded that job enrichment is the highest influential factor in determining employees work motivation while quality of work life is negatively influencing their enthusiasm level towards job. In the wake of new technological transformations, academic insight into the current work would further guide the policy makers for designing the jobs for banking sector through decentralization of managerial powers, changing in accordance with the global trends, as well as applying autonomous, mastery oriented and purposely directed policies.
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