Impacts of Oil Discovery on Households in Uganda: A CGE Analysis


  • Koire Twaha PhD Scholar, School of Economics, IIIE, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Arshad Ali Bhatti Assistant Professor, School of Economics, IIIE, International Islamic University Islamabad. Pakistan
  • Hasnain Abbas Naqvi Assistant Professor Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan



Model, Nonrenewable Resources, Oil extraction, Oil export, Consumers’ welfare


This study analyses the impact of oil discovery on household poverty and inequality by employing a CGE model using 2007 SAM for Uganda. The oil production and export simulations show a decline in absolute poverty, poverty gaps and severity. Further, our findings showcase a positive effect of production and exports on household welfare, except for urban farm households. This study recommends for the managers of the economy to pay special attention towards injection of a reasonable portion of oil rent in sectors which positively contribute to the economy, diversify non-oil exports and above all, boost private consumption.


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How to Cite

Koire Twaha, Arshad Ali Bhatti, & Hasnain Abbas Naqvi. (2020). Impacts of Oil Discovery on Households in Uganda: A CGE Analysis. Review of Economics and Development Studies, 5(1), 41-48.