Green Nudges: A Review of Behavioral Economics Based Interventions for Reducing Carbon Emissions


  • Fabiha Moin Habib University, School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Department of Social Development and Policy



Nudge Theory, Behavioral Economics, Climate Change, Carbon Emissions


Climate change poses a great threat to human civilization as the signs of an upcoming climate disaster have started showing around the world in the form of heatwaves, forest fires, cyclones, and floods. One of the biggest contributors to climate change is carbon emissions which are the direct result of anthropogenic activities. With the fast-approaching climate crisis, countries require innovative and fast solutions to reduce their carbon emissions. With the slow rate of transition from the supply side, there is a need for more demand-side interventions to mitigate climate change. One such form of intervention is offered by behavioral economics in the form of Green Nudges which refer to changes in the decision-making environments in order to promote a more climate-responsible consumer behavior. This paper conducts a review of the green nudge interventions across the world and discusses their efficacy as a policy intervention in developing countries to mitigate climate change.

Author Biography

Fabiha Moin, Habib University, School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Department of Social Development and Policy




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How to Cite

Moin, F. . (2022). Green Nudges: A Review of Behavioral Economics Based Interventions for Reducing Carbon Emissions . Review of Economics and Development Studies, 8(4), 347-353.