Achieving Sustainable Supply Chain Performance through Sustainable Production and Sustainable Supplier Management: A Case of Food Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan
Sustainable Production, Sustainable Supplier Management, Sustainable Performance, Supply Chain PerformanceAbstract
This paper aims to investigate the impact of sustainable practices especially sustainable production and sustainable supplier management on supply chain performance. This empirical study demonstrate the contextual examination of sustainable practices especially with reference to an emerging economy like Pakistan. Survey was employed to collect data from 100 Food Manufacturing Firms. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Structure Equation Modeling was used through AMOS to test hypothesis. The results reveal that sustainable production and sustainable supplier management both significantly impact triple bottom line. However, sustainable production generate stronger impact on social performance, while, sustainable supplier management significantly effects environmental performance. Additionally, the findings provide valuable insights regarding the use of sustainable production and sustainable supplier management and their impact on supply chain performance. Finally, it propagates utility of ecological value chain management mentioning the impact of couple of sustainable practices on tipple bottom line.
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