Mediating Impact of Emotional Intelligence Competencies on the Relationship of Conflict Management Styles and Service Quality of Higher Education: A Pakistan Based Study


  • Umair Asghar Ph.D. Scholar (Management Sciences) at Hajvery University Lahore, Pakistan
  • Khalid Pervaiz Dean, Faculty of Management Sciences, Hajvery University Lahore, Pakistan



Conflict Management Styles; Emotional Intelligence Competencies; Service Quality of Higher Education


This quantitative, investigation was to explore mediating impact of emotional intelligence competencies on the relationship between conflict management styles and service quality of higher education. In this study, multi-stage cluster sampling technique was applied for the selection of sample whereas SPSS was used for testing the hypothesis which measures the direct and indirect effect. Structured questionnaires were used for data collection which comprised of 5 points Likert scale. The findings proved partial mediation to emotional intelligence competencies between the relationship of conflict management styles and service quality of higher education which indicates higher the emotional intelligence competency the staff has, would have the higher the ability to resolve day to day conflicts. The research suggests that faculty and staff training programs, workshops to improve service quality would help to narrow the gap between customer’s perceptions and expectations.


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How to Cite

Umair Asghar, & Khalid Pervaiz. (2020). Mediating Impact of Emotional Intelligence Competencies on the Relationship of Conflict Management Styles and Service Quality of Higher Education: A Pakistan Based Study. Review of Economics and Development Studies, 5(4), 623-636.