Impact of Crisis Management Practices and Strategic Response on Pricing Strategy: Evidence From Textile Industry in Pakistan


  • Sana Affandi Assistant Professor Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Hina Affandi Assistant Professor, Foundation University Islamabad, Pakistan



Crisis Management Practices, Efficiency Improvement and Competitiveness, Strategic Response, Pro-Activeness And Reactiveness, Price Strategy


This study has discovered the impact of crisis management practices and strategic responses on the price strategy in the textile industry of Pakistan. In this research, independent variable iscrisis management practices (efficiency improvement and competitiveness improvement), mediating variable is strategic responses (pro-activeness and reactiveness) and where the dependent variable is price strategy. This study investigated the textile industry firms of Pakistan by means of correlation and regression analysis via empirical findings. Data has been gathered from the questionnaire method from the companies of textile industry.  It is hypothesized that crisis management practices, strategic responses have significant impact on the price strategy in which strategic responses have a mediating role and these noteworthy impacts have been denied by the results of the study.


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How to Cite

Sana Affandi, & Hina Affandi. (2020). Impact of Crisis Management Practices and Strategic Response on Pricing Strategy: Evidence From Textile Industry in Pakistan. Review of Economics and Development Studies, 5(4), 607-614.