The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital and Organizatioanal Commitment between Work Environment and Job Bunrout
Work Environment, Commitment, Psychcap, Burnout, PakistanAbstract
The objective of this research was not only to investigate the relationship between working environment (WE) and job burnout (JB), WE and organizational commitment (OC), WE and psychological capital PsychCap, OC and JB, PsychCap and JB but also to investigate the mediating effect of OC and PsychCap between the relationship of working environment and JB of doctors working in hospitals of KP, Pakistan. Data were collected from three hundred and thirty doctors. The results revealed a significant negative relationship between WE and JB, OC and JB, PsychCap and JB while positive relationship was found between WE and OC, WE and PsychCap. The results also explored that OC partially mediated the relationship between WE and JB. PsychCap also partially mediated the relationship between WE and JB. When both OC and PsychCap were included as mediators, the relationship between WE and JB became insignificant (full mediation).
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