Brand-Centered Human Resource Practices and Brand Citizenship Behavior: The Notion to Develop Competitive Advantage


  • Asad Ur Rehman Lecturer Department of Commerce, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
  • Salniza Bt Md. Salleh Associate Professor, School of Business Management, (COB), University Utara Malaysia
  • Norzieiriani bt. Ahmad Senior Lecturer, School of Business Management, (COB), University Utara Malaysia



Brand Citizenship Behavior, Brand-Centered Human Resource Practices, Employee Branding, Internal Branding


The Brand citizenship behavior (BCB) is relatively a new aspect in marketing literature. Researchers have given a label of BCB to the discretionary behavior that employees’ exhibit for the successful delivery of brand promise. In internal branding, the role of an employee is recognized as critical in delivering the service as promised by the brand. As practitioners and academicians argue that, an employee’s brand-aligned behavior that goes above and beyond the job responsibility can be an asset for the company and is difficult for competitors to imitate. Drawing on employees’ brand- aligned behavior to build the strong organization brand this study conceptualized that, the successful implementation of internal branding doctrine could be strengthened by brand-centered human resource practices and develop a new route for companies to build the competitive advantage. Thus, the study found that the human resource practices such as fair recruitment process, training programs, and socialization practice could enhance the employees’ brand citizenship behavior.


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How to Cite

Asad Ur Rehman, Salniza Bt Md. Salleh, & Norzieiriani bt. Ahmad. (2020). Brand-Centered Human Resource Practices and Brand Citizenship Behavior: The Notion to Develop Competitive Advantage . Review of Economics and Development Studies, 5(2), 333-342.