An Investigation into Effectiveness of Technical and Vocational Education in Pakistan


  • Kamran Siddiqui PhD Scholar, University of Management and Technology Lahore, Pakistan
  • Abdul Hameed Professor, University of Management and Technology Lahore, Pakistan
  • Shabbir Akbar Deputy Secretary, Establishment Division Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Mumtaz M. Khan Professor, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan



Course Objectives, Physical Facilities, Curriculum, Assessment & Evaluation, Social Aspects and Academic Facilities.


An investigation and validation of effectiveness of technical and vocational education at secondary level for poverty alleviation is need of the day. Four sub-components such as locale, age, education and socio economic status have been considered important in determining the effectiveness of technical & vocational education at secondary level for poverty alleviation. Out of 815 pass outs in Matric technology and vocational education during 2013, 2014 and 2015, the parents of 494 were selected through proportionate stratified random sampling technique for study. The study established that there is a significant positive strong relationship between parents’ perception towards effectiveness of technical &vocational education and poverty alleviation. The curriculum, assessment & evaluation and social aspects significantly and positively predicted the outcome variable poverty alleviation. The study is useful for policy makers, professionals, researchers and practitioners.


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How to Cite

Kamran Siddiqui, Abdul Hameed, Shabbir Akbar, & Mumtaz M. Khan. (2020). An Investigation into Effectiveness of Technical and Vocational Education in Pakistan. Review of Economics and Development Studies, 5(2), 261-268.