Impact of Employees’ Emotional Instability on Organization Citizenship Behavior and Burnout with Mediating Effect of Workaholism
Emotional Instability, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Burnout, WorkaholismAbstract
Today workaholism is foremost key challenge face by academia of higher education. Therefore, to understand the perspective of workaholism this study examines the impact of emotional instability on employees work outcomes (Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Burnout) through mediating role of workaholism in public and private universities of Multan. The aim of the study was to recruit at least 400 teachers. Among sample, five hundred structured questionnaires containing six dimension were distributed, out of which four hundred were used for analysis. Smart PLS (Partial Least Square) was used for hypothesis testing. Finding of the study shows that there was negative and significant relationship between emotional instability, workaholism and organizational citizenship behavior whereas, there was positive and significant relationship between emotional instability and burnout. However, this study will provide support to policy makers to develop such work schedules that will lower the level of burnout in university teachers. This study was conducted only for the university academia in the different city of Punjab for more generalizability for this study can be conducted in whole Pakistan and also for the teachers of secondary schools.
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