Impact of Teacher’s Self-Efficacy on Student’s Motivation towards Science Learning
Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, Performance Goal, Achievement Goal, Students’ Motivation, Intermediate Colleges, PakistanAbstract
The study aims to identify the role of teachers’ self-efficacy towards motivating students’ learning process in intermediate colleges of Karachi, Pakistan. Using a causal research design, purposive sampling as a sampling technique and questionnaire as a data collection method, data were gathered from selected intermediates colleges of Karachi. The data from 312 sample cases were then analyzed by employing PLS-SEM through SmartPLS3 and results were identified. The results of the current study showed that teachers’ self-efficacy has significantly positive effect on goal achievement active learning and learning environment. In addition, teachers’ self-efficacy was found to have significant positive impact on performance goal and science learning value. By the initiation of proper training and working over the embracement of self-efficacy, the motivation of the students towards the learning of science, can be improved. The professional courses and teacher education programs to develop the sense of self-efficacy are also proposed by the professionals.
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